Casa Hibiscus

Categoria: isole eolie

Top destinations Lipari


Lipari is often dismissed as nothing more than the transport hub of the Aeolians, but there are reasons to stop here, particularly since Lipari town has what most of the other islands lack: a tangible sense of history. It also has some good restaurants. And, because it is the transport[…]

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Stromboli: Top places to visit


If you arrive on Stromboli by boat, don’t bother looking for anchorage: the volcanic core glowering above you shelves down to the depths. In antiquity this was supposed to be the home of Aeolus, god of the winds, who gave his name to the islands. After big explosions and the[…]

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Salina Relaxing vacation


Perfect if you are looking for a hideaway, Salina is a place where little happens, except in 1994, when Michael Radford went there to shoot Il Postino. But even its subsequent fame has failed to change it. In spite of being one of the greenest of the islands, good for[…]

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